Thursday, June 01, 2006

what I gur do wit a lil haf-pint gal
when I dun use to a gallon a woman


Blogger Obie Quiet said...

thanks for your eyes upon these lines: addressable thou.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 4:53:00 AM  
Blogger cecil Newry said...

Truly, a gallon of woman is sweeter than a half-pint. But then again it depends upon ones appetite. I for one, am a big man with big desires: only a gallon can do, or I am left frustrated.

Friday, September 22, 2006 7:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Dee said...

Is no one taking into consideration what that gallon is filled with versus what that half pint gal has to offer? You see the gallon may not do for you what the half pint can.

Monday, September 20, 2010 5:48:00 PM  
Blogger Obie Quiet said...

Dee, how interesting how one is or that one is able to or is lead to misread words of your comment. Your concluding word, "can," I read as a noun - as in a half pint can. Your "gal" reads both as gal - derived I suppose from girl - and as an abbreviation of gallon which of course is one pole of these two measurement being compared. My, how many half pints are there in a gallon anyway? Two pints in a quart - 4 quarts in a gallon - therefore there are 16 half-pints in a gallon. We are looking here at 16 to 1. It is interesting though that you are weighing in in defense of the half pint gal. Does it suggest that she symbolizes you rather than the gallon of woman in your own mind? How do I see or consider you though or which do I consider you nearer to or more like? My thought was that you saw yourself as belonging to women who come and go or who came in gallons or that you were, in spite of height, voyaging towards becoming a gallon of woman. Men who see you and react as they do, I am certain do not see no half pint gal.

Monday, September 20, 2010 6:35:00 PM  

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