Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I Had To Bring This Up
for E.M.J.

taste flour, taste eggs
in cake
or smell eggs

smell raw meat or fish or chicken
what spices should disguise, transform
make who is served throw up or nearly

lemon meringue pie
egg-white to whip up
chef in the kitchen
knows what to do

whipping up joy
made from what, in other hands
might just be raw
uncooked, undone

when one know what to do
with words, so well blended
verbs, adverbs, commas, grammar
figurative devices

you perceive the forest
rather than the trees

what do I see when eyes eat her up
crumbs alone left upon the saucer
return until crumbs alone
are left upon the platter also

is there any more of her
is the pastry chef able
to manufacture more
unable to get enough
of what gives some sore eyes
for me though she is
a sight for sore eyes

suits me down to my little toe
soothes me as completely

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
5:28 p.m. 21/11/07


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