Thursday, March 01, 2007

Just remember you persons, through unions and otherwise, just prior to elections, attempting to force moneys out of government, implying that they pay or get voted out of office, that your methods are immoral.

Equally immoral is or would be government, to give in to these pressures at this time to attempt to secure re-election.

Allow me to pointy out; the money you are attempting to manipulate out of government is not P.L.P. money; it’s yours and mine.

Being my money and your money, it’s not to be manipulated out underhandedly or paid out to buy out or buy off who would oppose a party politically.

This is too clear and the pain of such trickery or treachery by unions or by government, too much to bear.

Such pernicious games twist and thwart a democracy, our people generally as well as every individual Bahamian citizen.

In a democracy, the people rule and I am one of them. On behalf of everyone, I demand fair play instead of fowl.

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
6:18 a.m. 10/feb/07


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