Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wide Bed Room
for Khanyi Mugubane

wait until she's back in South Africa
a million miles away

when we were together in Havana,
in Cuba

I could have cubed her, diced her,
spliced her like an electrician does wires
colors to connect
for electricity to pass through,
to pass on

cigarette between fingers
between lips, empty space to fill in

I'd have been a better fit
had I made the offer, had I said the word

eyes so wide, inviting me to enter

unaware until as apart as Jupiter and Mars

we were on one planet once
stuck to poetry, to paper instead of to each other
bed sheets to writhe between

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
9:07 a.m. 15/june/07


Blogger Esquire of the mountain said...

isnt this so sad, we always realise this too little too late...i experience this all the time, i like the bit of comparison to same planets...
oh my this is a very sad and truthful poem, but i love it...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 2:54:00 PM  
Blogger Obie Quiet said...

Oh, my friend, you should have seen "Yesterday" last evening at NAGB - film set in South Africa. At times intimacy avoided is a reward as well. Isn’t it interesting how things done as well as not done provide inspiration - produce verse and other works of Art. Intercourse with the muses though is for the writer, the ultimate reward.

Friday, June 22, 2007 7:30:00 PM  

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