Friday, July 13, 2007

A Movable Feast
for Natasha Turnquest

find her body so so interesting
so so interested in exploration

Archeologist in ruins in South America
ants in wood, in the trunk of a tree,
time has hollowed out

holler “Ouch!” if I hurt you
it was never my intention to

don’t run away if you’ve come to stay
I wouldn’t want to ruin a night out
nor a love affair

over twice your age and counting
how many cards in a deck
how many inches in a dick
how many stars in a scary sky
in a starry night

I’ve lived long enough
for you to be born, to see you grow up

must harvest my field before insects do

fruits to dissect to have for breakfast
toast as well to butter, to cut in half
for toast and tea

you to taste, to see to read the Bible

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
1:33 p.m. 12/07/07


Blogger Esquire of the mountain said...

hmmmm, so when is the movable feast going to sit still and be buttered? well well, this is an interesting declaration of the need for butter on your toast!

Friday, July 13, 2007 3:50:00 PM  
Blogger Obie Quiet said...

boy, mafudian, you makin me laf. Yur funny.

Thanks for dropping by - for stopping by and for tooting your horn.

Thanks for affirmation, fellow seeker after muses who are, without end, seeking us as well to do their bidding - to write down words, as they are unable to hold a pencil. They need us therefore and we need them.

Friday, July 13, 2007 7:29:00 PM  
Blogger Obie Quiet said...

So a bird in flight, just up and hungry for breakfast, in pursuit of an insect in flight, in addition to Hemingway's Paris, can also quite accurately be described as a movable feast?

Friday, July 13, 2007 7:57:00 PM  
Anonymous d.a. said...

Hmmm it always bothers me when it is suggested that you pick women up with your pen and your paper.

But this poem is very well written everything ties in so intricately, without knots, wrinkles or bumps. Yes it is quite smooth. What do your poems say of you?

Monday, September 20, 2010 7:54:00 PM  

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