Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Does This Pass
The So What Test
for Mervyn Morris

where does she think
poetry comes from

she makes poems, she must know
they do not come forth like piss

you must come them
a poem has to be thick
not just milk, it has to be milkshake

when I was a student
at Pyfrom Secondary School
I use to detour to the Milk Stand
on the way home

milkshake’s made
not just from milk
it’s also ice cream
even though I was a boy still
just in my teens, I always insisted
they add two eggs

what does she think a poem is
unable just to piss them forth
you must live them
must die to write them

what tribe is it which mixes
hot blood, let from animals,
living still, with milk, for warriors

poetry is like this, it has to be thick
not just piss up against a wall

instead of for praying,
for waling, for tears,
for whoever passes to piss up against

stench so high
you could smell it in heaven

what does she think poetry is
something a drunk
stops beside the road
to relieve himself of

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
1:51 p.m. 23/10/07


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