Monday, December 24, 2007

Picture Perfect
for T.L.C.

unsure, insecure eyes, smile

I want to fuel her with confidence
use my dick to do it
like that long stick
service station attendants use
to measure amount of gas
left upon the premises

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
6:28 a.m. 24.12.07


Blogger Shorty said...

Reply upon request
The poem doesn't really come together for me.
My first reaction to this poem was like what the hell kinda freak?? And then I read it again and was like, geez how this man mind works is abnormal.
And reading it over just now the beginning pulled me in and by the line: "use my dick to do it" I pretty much had no more desire to read on. This was not because the issue of sex, penis' or vagina's makes me uncomfortable just because I didn't like the image. The fact that the poem was about me, now that, that made me uncomfortable.

Saturday, December 29, 2007 4:34:00 AM  

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