Saturday, January 05, 2008

Crown or Thorns
for T.L.C.

small as a pill
gives me headaches

along with all
the joy she brings

not easy getting to know her
to live near to her

deny me tonight
closeness we had
Christmas night,
New Years Day

thought she was
my good news day

God-sent--it seems
her wish is to take away

peaches and cream
in slices, in halves

attempting to take medicine
wrongly prescribed
for loneliness, for lonely nights

pleading on my knees
for what she is
not able to be
not able to give

small as a pill
instead of relief, my head aches

what I wish her to relieve
only God, only angels can

who sent her, sent me,
instead of roses, these prickles

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2008
4:08 p.m. 04.01.08


Blogger Esquire of the mountain said...

oh...this reminds me of something i wrote..
love like a bed of roses,
soothes, pierces me...

Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:38:00 PM  
Blogger Obie Quiet said...

Haven't we all our beds to lie in, Esquire, be they made of prickles or petals or a combination of both?

Monday, January 14, 2008 10:49:00 PM  

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