Thursday, February 28, 2008

Walls Lips
for M.B.

cheeks to kiss
all she’d give me now
all I’m allowed

too late for kisses
soft sweet ones, full of flesh

fresh strawberries, fresh milk

she was my dilly-girl once

once I used to have
a sack full of her to open
to break apart

feast for weeks
around when
mother died

sweet, when life
was most bitter

now she insists
I get along without
who was
as near as air

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2008
8:33 p.m. 28.02.08


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all it's beauty the poem highlights pain. I sense that the poet is trying to fill an empty space the dilly-girl once filled. My favourite line is; "sweet, when life was most bitter" I love that because to make someone life sweet when they are going through pain is a remarkable thing.

Monday, March 03, 2008 2:17:00 PM  
Blogger Obie Quiet said...

Who are you, anonymous? How kind you are to stop by and to comment. Your own depth and sensitivity I find almost too touching. With ever so little effort, you've made me teary-eyed. It's the empathy, the affirmation, the chord or note, resonating between human beings. That is what it is for certain.

Monday, March 03, 2008 2:52:00 PM  

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