for T.L.C.
I want to make something
of your misbehavior
your disrespect for me
your unwillingness to submit
is this what is delicious about you, defiance
how hard, how tight,
I’d have to hold you, squeeze you,
to get you to, to cause you to submit
aware, after all, that I could not be defeated
or disarmed, if you struggled against me
however fiercely
submission, sweetness - if you whispered
I could be made to take the garbage out
or tie or unloose the goats or go for bough
with hatchet, chop wood or wall
or lift you from bath to bed
or with an infant to deliver
lift you to car or ambulance in two arms
I’d do anything for you dear, anything for you
if you knew which buttons
got the cup to fall through
which button for coffee, hot chocolate
or orange juice
choose belligerence
as puny as your powers are
choose to rage against me
as if you were the sea
how can you or I
crack the coil around creation
are you even able to open a corn beef can
with the key attached
inside, beef or horse meat
from Argentina or elsewhere
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2008
6:29 p.m. 26.03.08
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