for Noelle Nicolls &
Roan Kirk Anthony Steele
seed of death in us
when it germinates
like seeds,
it's time to be buried
eventually we will all
have been picked
waves upon a beach arriving
staggered, sliding back,
down again
how and when we come in
when and how we go out
our lights or when our house
goes up in smoke--up in flames
when our time comes
when our number's called
answer or not, hide or hide and seek
we will be carried off
our part in the play, our lines said
after which, afterwards
vacate the stage
character in a drama
set down, plucked up
cast in fire, cast in flames
our flower petals fall like tears
fruit and seeds come round again
another cycle of life
another day, when dawn breaks
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2009
7:12 a.m. 03.05.09
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