Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Just this in response to Pierre Dupuch’s logic – suggesting that Hubert Ingraham’s return to head the FMN indicates a lack of integrity.

Were a man to promise to give me two blows and he gave me three, I’d be as mad as hell. Were a man to promise to give me two hundred dollars and he gave me three, I’d not hold it against him. I’d be overjoyed.

Hubert Ingraham’s return to lead the FNM, it seems, is troublesome to those who oppose him. It certainly is not a problem for those who believe in him – for those who wish him to lead them – who think they can rely upon him to lead them to victory.

His being able to lead, it seems, has not been exhausted. His returning to lead violates no law – no officially established policy. His suggestion that he’d serve two terms was his personal whim and did not involve law or policy.

What if the captain of a ship we’re on – in this case, the ship of state – decided to take us to Acklins but not to bring us back? What if he decided to drink Guinness and eat boil fish until he burped goat pepper once he got us to Acklins? What if on the way back with one less experienced at the helm, the ship began to sink? Were he to be persuaded to take the helm again to save the day – to save us all, would he be lacking in integrity or full of magnanimity?

What of Perry Christy’s deciding figuratively, to return to his vomit? Now I find that reprehensible.

What we’re confronting, to my mind, in both cases, is individual whim and will when what matters ultimately is what is divinely ordained – what is God’s will. The Perry Christy who, to the minds of many, despicably returned, even figurative, to his vomit, is certainly not the gentleman – certainly not the giant who has lead out Bahamas especially since recovering from his frightening illness. We see someone no less than anointed to lead while he has.

Many of us in careers: policing, teaching, etc., decide initially to serve for a time and then move on only to decide later to prolong that service. Would such persons have robbed us or rewarded us? Should they be considered patriotic or unpatriotic?

On Immediate Response with Ace Newbold on Wednesday, March 7, 2007, Pierre Dupuch, reasoning, stated, “…therefore in law, it is a contract.” Mr. Ingraham’s words though were never embraced by law, entertained by law – were never entered into law. His idea is yet to be considered officially – has yet to be enshrined in law as is a similar rule in the United States’ constitution.

His return seems to be a problem for those whom he opposes – for those who oppose him – for his adversaries – for whom he might defeat. His opponents seem to fear his formidable oppositional force. For those whom he’d lead courageously into battle and possibly into victory, they are grateful to him, thankful that he capitulated. A lack of integrity seems to be the cry of his opponents, not at all the cry of those who welcome him.

Those who seem not to want him back, want Tommy Turnquest, whom they’ve defeated once and imagine they can effortlessly overrun again. Tommy’s moment, it seems, has not yet come. Is the P.L.P. giving over leadership to the next generation of politician? Is Perry Christy stepping down to let Fred Mitchell head the party?

I view it as unfair to put Tommy Turnquest in the ring with Perry Christy – a middle weight up against a heavy weight. I am neither P.L.P. nor F.N.M. but with Hubert Ingrahan in the ring with Perry Christy – experience-wise and otherwise – we have fair-play – heavyweight against heavyweight. Though I am not a big boxing fan, I’d more readily pay money to go to sit at ringside to see such a match – such a fight.

The suggestion that Hubert Ingraham lacks integrity, for the reason stated, is baseless and is not an issue.

In conclusion, Pierre Dupuch’s debate of this issue is not entirely logical and is not objective though he suggests it is. One can hear clearly that something subjective – something personal colors his reasoning. I find it misleading, his suggestion that Ingraham’s integrity is at the heart of the matter – at the heart of his argument.

As nice as he is, his logic is flawed and insults the thinking person’s intelligence and the nation’s. It is in defense of reason and intelligence that I have here raised my pen not in defense of either party or either leader.

By Obediah Michael Smith
1:54 a.m. March 7, 2007

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sum of Life

wear rough, where rough
patches, passage to pass through

the road picked, the ticket,
unable to put it back, pitch it back

pitch-black over pitch-black road
bare foot, bare back in hot sun

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
9:50 p.m. 20/march/07
my African feet
my European teeth
where do these meet
Slipping Gripping

in the teeth of sleep
like a bicycle chain turning
time and life married
marriage between time and existence

sleep, deep enough to dream in
deep enough for dreaming
this opposed to empty sleep
empty time

living without living it
without feeling it
waking up sick instead of refreshed
instead of rejuvenated

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
5:33 a.m. 20/march/07

Along With Milk

politeness a gift, without which
you may find yourself
lifeless beside the road

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
5:23 a.m. 20/march/07


it is always a matter
of the skipping rope turning
having to jump in

getting up, getting dressed
to jump on the bus to get to town

banks to catch, bills to pay,
bread to buy

time to spend in Starbucks with a book
with too expensive coffee
in a cup

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
2:48 p.m. 16/march/07

Friday, March 16, 2007

Spirits In A Material World

[poem written in
Sine-Qua-Non Gallery
inspired by painting by Livingstone Pratt]

when oranges are sliced open
unable to leave the kitchen

oranges in quarters
all over the kitchen cabinet
to fit into my face

these to suck instead of milk
from breast nipples

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
8:05 p.m. 15/march/07

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wind Blows
for single mothers

you must expect the whirlwind to get in
if one of your walls is missing
if daddy's not home

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
9:44 p.m. 13/march/07
though she resides in New Jersey
she's from Kentucky
as southern as fried chicken
eleven herbs and spices
I'd like to lick off, lick from my lips
and finger tips

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Footprints White Sand

is there an edge which does not cut,
which is not cutting

ledge to venture out upon without shoes
and not get your feet cut open,
in between your toes torn open even more
on the cutting edge

bloody toes, bloody feet, out on the cutting edge

bare foot, instead, let’s walk the beach,
miles behind us, in white sand,
stretching back to where, to when we began
footprints in white sand

who able to tell if the man or woman
who passed across the bosom of the beach
had black feet or white feet,
Arawak, Carib or Tino Indian feet

the sea at high tide, with its rubber, erases
the past, the path of whoever passes
across these shores

Columbus and his men did not step
in wet cement

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2006
4:00 p.m. 18/march/06
Cigarette Lighter
for D.V.H.

God has no step-children

like millipede with a thousand legs
with a thousand feet

half or more or less of these, West African
the rest from some part of Great Britain

all the black, all the white
either to one side or the next or all mixed up

millipede with these legs, with these feet
unable to figure out how to run
with all these limbs
moving in opposing directions

if you’re mad, write a poem
if you’re angry, write a poem

broke or unemployed/
broke and unemployed, write a poem

down and out in Nassau or in Freeport,
in Exuma or Long Island, write a poem

though no body wants you
when you’re down and out
pick your pen up, pick yourself up
along with intellect, along with imagination
write a poem, write several
to hurl like stones as far as you could

possibly into posterity
posterior upon white, cold commode
to pee, for pure relief

her car, like a retarded child,
she insists upon going about with

however much it pitches a fit
or refuses to budge

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Just remember you persons, through unions and otherwise, just prior to elections, attempting to force moneys out of government, implying that they pay or get voted out of office, that your methods are immoral.

Equally immoral is or would be government, to give in to these pressures at this time to attempt to secure re-election.

Allow me to pointy out; the money you are attempting to manipulate out of government is not P.L.P. money; it’s yours and mine.

Being my money and your money, it’s not to be manipulated out underhandedly or paid out to buy out or buy off who would oppose a party politically.

This is too clear and the pain of such trickery or treachery by unions or by government, too much to bear.

Such pernicious games twist and thwart a democracy, our people generally as well as every individual Bahamian citizen.

In a democracy, the people rule and I am one of them. On behalf of everyone, I demand fair play instead of fowl.

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
6:18 a.m. 10/feb/07
everywhere there’s the world
as well as the underworld

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
2:03 a.m. 12/feb/07