Friday, July 06, 2007

Offer Up A Prayer

he used to fuck
all the freshmen women
as naive as tomatoes

Solomon and Daniel
long Nigerian dicks

these they used to lotion
how they used to laugh

did I envy, do I envy now
their escapades

spades in the earth
like that scene in Hamlet
a grave for Ophelia

skull discovered,
a skull for the prince
for his soliloquy

our end and our beginning
how interwoven

our sex and our interment
like twin sisters

what should we seek instead
to get out of life, to get at in life
what of ourselves

shelf of sex, too many lying on it

instead of horizontal
what of paths to walk
petals from trees falling on us

Van Gogh world to walk into
and out of
portraits to make of people met
encountered deeply

into the world, out again
but it’s no longer the same

people I meet, I want to change me
I want to change

even if ours are but chance meetings

what’s on Wasake’s aganda
what has he in mind
to do with Georgie, with Marion
what have they in mind to do with him

what do they want
out of The Bahamas
to carry back to Florida

we rip-off artists
want what we can snatch and flee with
rather than what love offers us
offers up

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
12:59 a.m. 5/July/07


Blogger Esquire of the mountain said...

Well well my good sir, am back to your post, this poem actually did make me laugh, i really wonder what georgie and marion wanted to do with Wasake, any ideas? But on a more serious note, do we have to walk only in the world of Hamlet,or run from the grave of ophelia(or solomon and daniel)because their lotioned nigerian dicks failed them? i rather believe life is a multiplicity of layers and spheres and paradigms and as artists we are blessed to be able to operate in them all, both horizontally, and vertically

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 5:28:00 PM  
Blogger Obie Quiet said...

mafudian, must say you are quite illusive. [Your dad is a retired economist. I find this interesting]

Your ability to be on his level, her level; this level, that level; even on the level of two 3 year old children; sufficiently empathetic to write your delightful romantic bit about them setting off in love land while people in church about them are carried away in worship. You too were carried away in worship but with enough attention to and contact with your other sides and selves to fish up and fry this story for consumption.

Here you’ve comprehend, so very deeply and completely, this poem Marion, Georgie and you inspired. Then you're able to leave all these balls in the air and go off to work as an accountant.

Gift, wit, intellect certainly. Glad we're friends.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:08:00 AM  

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