Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I’ll Eat Elsewhere
for J.S.

like an alley, a short cut
I had to take,
I had to go through
to get to the highway I’m on

highway I had to get to
to go on with life, with living,
to get to where I’m going

you must not imagine
that that or you were a sort of aim,
a sort of target or goal

it was merely an alley
I had to pass through
however unbearably unpleasant

I had to take that way,
go that way, to get to a clearing
to hear clearly, directions, instructions
for the rest of the way

your pussy was but a corridor
to a much larger room,
a bitter way to awakening

you can have your pussy back
you can keep your pussy now

I’ve made all the use I needed
to make of it,
I am finished with the smell
and taste of it, bitter as piss

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
11:27 p.m. 25.12.07


Blogger Shorty said...

I'm glad I'm not J.S.
You seem angry but it worked for you.
But ummm QUESTION, HOW DO YOU KNOW PISS BITTER? Who was the tester?

Saturday, December 29, 2007 3:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why the hell u don't leave me alone. What the fuck you want from me? You are a sick man.......

Monday, January 07, 2008 4:09:00 PM  

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