Saturday, September 01, 2007

Verse Across A Gap
for Angelika Hillebrandt

I am tongue-tied around you as well
my tongue’s tied around you as well

like that lizard, its tongue
half-a-mile long and swift as lightning
able to grab a bite, a meal, a mile away

wished she wanted me like this,
as badly

I’d gladly be taken in, devoured
to become part of her
or to go through her and out again

to be up in her, however I entered,
I’d be grateful, glad

in her like a mother’s child
to be born again
she, selected to make me holy, sacred

a meal or intercourse or impregnation
once she were big with me inside,
I’d be in heaven

she must make what she eats,
what she drinks, so very happy
what of what she urinates, defecates

these elements, molecules, atoms
must be sad to go, to be disposed of

what if she, because of this poem,
stopped speaking to me
I’d feel like shit, for certain

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2007
5:26 a.m. 01/09/07


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