Sunday, February 21, 2010

Our Daily Bread
for D.B.A.

she has a sad side
other side of a coin

as near as that
to what joy she knows

able to switch like a light switch
off/on on/off

observed in person
see it
in the switch of expressions
in photographs of her

photographs she’s taken
she shares

no comment about her other side
but I observe it
wonder about it

from extroverted

to introverted
in a flash

am I implying
that these are symptoms
that something’s wrong

what I know is
I do not like when
in a moment she is withdrawn
and I must draw her out again

with something colorful
some tidbit, something tasty

I’d wish, I’d prefer though
that she did not go there
brooding about something

is something wrong
has something happened
which should not have
or should not have
happened yet

has someone seen
or done unto her
what they should not have
who should not have

has some son-of-a-bitch
against her

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
7:44 p.m. 20.02.10


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