Friday, April 03, 2009
About Me
- Name: Obie Quiet
- Location: Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas
Obediah Michael Smith has published 18 books of poems, a short novel and a cassette recording of his poems. At University of Miami and University of the West Indies, Cavehill, Barbados, he has done writers workshops with Lorna Goodison, Earl Lovelace, Grace Nichols, Merle Collins, and Mervyn Morris. He is a 1971 graduate of St. Anne’s School. He attended Memphis State University, 1973 to 1976 and majored in Speech and Drama and Biology. He has a B.A. Degree in Dramatics and Speech from Fisk University. Employed by The Ministry of Education, he taught English Language and Literature in high schools on New Providence, on Grand Bahama and on Inagua. In 1989, for six months, he lived in Paris, France and studied French at L’Alliance Francaise. He has two daughters and two sons. He is at present, for a time, residing in Mexico City.
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