Monday, February 09, 2009

We Carry Pens
Instead of Spears

for T.L.C.

strongly strongly I feel about you

even while you sleep
I listen to François Gilot
an interview with Charlie Rose

I hear her say
when she was 21
Picasso, in 1943, was 61

older than both her parents
contemporary of her grandmother

am I not allowed to fall in love
are you not allowed to
unable to love me back

I detest that we are not a possibility
you and I

little short poet
a tattoo on your right leg

your skin as clean
as rained-on flower petals

you're asleep and I'm wide awake
growing like plants do, in the dark

glowing like a glow worm
worm you are unable to see
because asleep

want to open you
enter you with my glow worm
make you glow also

I'm all lit up because of you

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2009
2:04 a.m. 09.02.09


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