Wednesday, February 11, 2009

8 Strings

unable to enjoy time
when it’s being stirred up
by this, by that

like a boat upon the sea, sailing
and the water and the wind
become rough

how in need of calm I am
already so disturbed within

history to order
full of upheaval

in need of calm, relief,
to be relieved

and what’s considered entertainment
without end, intruding, disturbing
upsetting, unrelenting

what is without end
coming at us

what is unleashed
uninvited, unselected
upon the senses
within the senses

and just when I’d have gotten
into some sort of order
what is me, my life
along comes upset

no end to gadgets
with images, noises

wearing me out
wearing out the lining inside
covering the most delicate places

the lining off
the insides of my senses

bludgeoning me
until I’m senseless

entertainment providers


ii. Pebbles
before I outpour
hot sauce, ketchup
all over what I ordered
to eat this evening

I outpour prayers
without which
this peas and rice and fish
would be unpalatable

I’d have to throw it up
after throwing it down

to bless it and then eat it

so much less weightless
than dreams

how fine dreams are
the fabric of which
from which dreams are made

unable to find
anywhere in this world
in no fabric store

dreams so much finer
than silk

dreams like clouds
to float around in

lighter than water
like air to swim in

to be baptized

in need of more time asleep
to order all the information
all the experiences
I take in while awake

stuff myself with so much
too much to assimilate
in a few hours asleep

I need to sleep until I’m rested
until I’m refreshed
get rid of stress

all my stress down the drain
let it all out
like dirty dish water

v. Mia
orange does not blend in
with her skin

so very dark, so very lovely

she does not
accessorize it correctly

incongruous with her prettiness
her darkness

attempt to enhance
is instead subtraction

wish I were able
to provide her makeup
of hugs and kisses

I’d first need to wash off
the makeup she’s wearing

take off the clothes
she’s clothed in

bare her and afterwards
bear her from the bath
in my arms, to bed

we’d transport each other
all the way
to that far away land

ecstasy, its capital city

vi. Leish
will he be the glue
the diocese needs

provide the connections
the Holy Spirit wishes

to make among the people
in the Anglican vineyard

in The Bahamas
in The Turks and Caicos Islands

will he be that tissue
of connection
in the body of Christ
in our parts, in our time

will he be the thyme
in okra soup

don’t want to go
just to the next level

like stairs to climb
my desire, my wish

is to climb several steps
several levels at a time

with what great strides
I used to climb the stairs

inside and outside
of our two storey house
while growing up

inside wooden stairs
outside concrete stairs

I’d take them 4 and 5 at a time

the larger I grew
the longer my legs became

I could pop, could crop out
without notice or warning

how taut my strings are drawn
how soar all my sinews are

I must sleep to relax them
is time available

so much I want to take in
to learn, to be edified by

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2009
Written, most of it, in Michelle’s
between Tuesday, 8:45 p.m.
February 10, and Wednesday,
1:42 a.m. February 11, 2009


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