Eyes Open Open Books
for K.J.S.R.
turned once and what eyes
lost in big beautiful eyes ever since
what do I care if I sink
if I cannot swim
if I am lost in the depths of them
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
7:51 a.m. 20.01.10
Double Dragon
an area of void to fill up with fill
how ever did I empty it
always empty it when I spill what was in it
when I do what Onan did
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
7:33 p.m. 28.01.10
Missing Steps
for Christia Brelsford
what do we do with limbs
do we take them for granted
do we, with them, do mischief
in Haiti, limbs crushed
an earthquake quaked
buildings breaking, crumbling,
tumbling down around Haitians
non-Haitians alike in Haiti
crushed limbs to cut off
like so much excess cloth
to let fall upon a dressmaker's floor
but limbs have bones, blood vessels
muscles, feet with toes, amputated
unable to be restored
will not be regenerated
unlike a lizard's tails
what do we do or undo with limbs
what do we with them achieve
use them to do our own will
to have our own way
or do we with limbs
do the will of God
upon them go where we're called
go where we're sent
or do we do our own thing
go our own way
show me oh God
what to do with these limbs
I was outfitted with in heaven
I want where I choose to go to matter
I want each step to be an investment
in making thy kingdom come on earth
as it is in heaven
God bless every step I take or make
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
6:02 a.m. 27.01.10
In A Minute Muffins
what a minute
wait a minute
within a minute
so very much collapsing
upon so many in Haiti
on Tuesday
why did they survive
to emerge with machetes
to roam the streets with
to threaten with
to harm with
why them, alive
and so many
with only good in their hearts
dead and buried
beneath rubble
these out and about
these still around
to terrorize
to cause trouble
is nothing left
to fall upon their heads
why did the sky not fall in
upon them
these persons out
to take more lives
their aim, to maim
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
6:12 p.m. 18.01.10
Holy Lines
for T.L.C.
is the implication
that you’d be happy if I hated you
is it or was it your aim that I hate you
your desire to reverse love
you’d prefer to undo, do without,
live without
what if foolish and this ripped from you
you’d be naked, you’d be cold
as bare as fuck and shivering
in winter on New Providence
should I remove the garment of love
look at you, laugh at you,
your breasts bare, your pussy hairy
trembling, trying to keep warm
with just two arms
would you then not want
my arms about you
your arms about me
what is divine, from above sent to you
you take for granted, treat lightly
regard disrespectfully
I’d fuck you only if you want me to
if you asked me to
don’t expect me to force you open
with a hard on between your legs
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
8:12 p.m. 27.01.10
for A.G.P.
wish you were near
wish you were here
I'd eat you like peaches
I suppose you're wondering
out of the can
or one off a tree
in the palm of my hand
I'll know when I see you
what spoon to use
or what ladder
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
7:54 p.m. 26.01.10
Duty to Discharge
I was quite moved
by the strikes she struck
by the balls she hit
by the bat she gripped
the butt of
were we dancing,
was it base ball
or were we
having sex
cock gripped by the neck
flutters, clucks, claws
until its head is cut off
when it is done,
a mission accomplished
it flutters, flaps its wings
what's left of its neck
is a bloody mess
its bloody feathers
to pick all of, to pick all off
must dip its body in hot water
make feathers soft enough
easy enough to pluck, to pull out
hand full at a time
until it’s naked
down to its skin
is it a sin to kill a chicken
should I be too chicken
to kill a chicken
when the time came
daddy killed sheep
a knife across a throat
blood would spout
sheep, even then
would not open its mouth
because goats
could not be counted on
to keep quiet, to be as still
these we took
to the abattoir,
to the slaughter house
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
12:35 p.m. 26.01.10
Clock Tick
for A.G.P.
when did it click or begin to tick
is what I'm concerned with
when did you begin
to be pregnant for me
to be pregnant with me
conception is a moment in time
sperm touches egg
and time commences
a history starts
when was that moment
if you don't mind my asking
my wanting to know
I'd know then when our anniversary is
our anniversaries are
want to know when it got started and how
was it on the kitchen cabinet
on the sofa, in the bed or on the floor
where my darling could it have been
and when
when I've not laid eyes or hands on you
for a quarter of a century
fourteen then, forty now
unable to touch you then
I can ravish you now
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
4:37 a.m. 26.01.10
Rat Trap
for C.C.
must cock my gun to fire
impossible to half-cock it
useless if I could
must cock it, must be ready
adversary appearing out of no where
out of thin air
must keep my gun cocked
to fire upon whoever comes around
comes along to take life or pen or gun
must keep a pen cocked, a rat trap set
with pork or cheese
poem must be as taut as this, as taut as that
a poem is my raccoon trap
useless to have it unless it’s set
able to fire, able to go off
able to snap if meddled with
if I am rubbed against
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
2:05 p.m. 18.01.10
Wedding Outfit
for A.G.P.
as tangled up with her, with Haiti
as making cloth,
threads crisscross
as many going east/west as north/south
and so many colors
loom in Picardy, in France
where Matisse was born
submit to this, commit to it
or entities apart already
we in poems, inextricably joined
important that what is being blended
are the same quality, same quantity
fibers to make fabric
to make a garment with
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
9:40 a.m. 17.01.10
Kisses & Tears
for Leslie Saiz
it came to departure
I was in tears
unable to hold back
the fall of these
unable to hold back either
kisses falling upon her face
like rain falls
a drop here, a drop there
not like friendship or family
confined to two cheeks
not like lovers,
two lips making tulips
falling kisses like falling rain
anywhere upon a face
upon earth, upon flower seeds
or flower petals in a garden
or growing wild
unable to bear
having to say bye bye
crying and kissing her
wanting to stick
as many bows as possible
into or onto a gift
wrapped and packaged
about to be sent
more bows than she could bear
her husband near, his
and this man in Havana, in tears
as if tearing actually
paper ripping
because she was leaving
husband and her
and friends they were with
having to, as surreptitiously
as they got into Cuba
get back to the US, its West Coast,
to San Francisco
authorities assuming
that they had gone as far as Mexico
and were returning
how though could she forget the poet
in love with her, crying and kissing her
saying goodbye to her in Cuba
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
5:00 p.m. 16.01.10
Je suis tombé
for Z.P.A & A.G.P
in agony down town
crying out, stomping the sidewalk
aching over losing you
leaving me because
I am unsure why
concluded that my heart’s divided
or elsewhere
must you say fuck it, drop it
is it not worth it to pick up the pieces
an oriental vase, glue it together again
what I’m into, I’ve stumbled into
what can we do about what is accidental
the dents, the broken windshield
who we crash into, we commence
history with, if we are fortunate
fall in love like a vase falls
can I be blamed
for falling stars or leaves falling
or snow falling
or falling rain
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
7:12 p.m. 20.01.10
In Half-A-Minute in Haiti
over the course of a year
a city counts, numbers
its traffic accidents
its traffic fatalities
as if the entire city
were a vehicle, traveling swiftly
with its millions on board
crashed into a wall
the living with the dead, buried
screaming, crying
until they are rescued
or could cry out no longer
stones moved in seconds
to trap, to bury, to pin down
what strength and what time required
to move them, these tomb stones
who on earth with hands,
with heavy equipment
able to move, to undo
what was done in half-a-minute
Haiti like a car crashed
bodies everywhere
everybody left alive,
grieving or groaning
others moaning
eyes of the world
wide in disbelief
agape, aghast
face of horror, horror to face
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
1:55 a.m. 19.01.10
Millions for A Millipede
for Antoinette Penha
as if some muscles in my person,
in my personality are nonfunctioning
aggressive about some things
complacent about some others
half of me active, half as if atrophied
unable to activate what refuses to move
what refuses to budge
like limbs active, activated
as many others unable to move
unable to get message to them
or through them
unable to get through to them
have I the will it takes to better myself
financially, am I able to make myself
attractive for a wife
guardian of a family
I shall need divine assistance
I shall need inspiration
a wife alone can bring
need circulation going through my entire being
tired of feeling, of being hopeless
in the face of anything
outside of poetry and its environs
I do need to be more aggressive
about finances, about material possessions
I’d like to look attractive or more so
less monk-like regarding what I eat
and wear and drink
about how I go about and get about
I need to be less of an embarrassment
to who is attached to me
and to who might wish to be
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
1:10 a.m. 19.01.10
1 O’clock Mass
ants that we are, wiped out in an instant
can we be as humble as ants are little
as ants are helpless
light enough to float upon the waves of life
come hell or high water
come rain or come shine
do nations unite or do they divide
certainly facilitate name calling
Haitian, Jamaican
this Englishman
that Russian
fragility of the state in which we abide
as fragile as the plates
out of which we eat
as the cups out of which we drink
can drop any minute, can crack up anytime
this world we’re in
this globe we’re on
upon a saucer spinning
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
Written on Thursday, January 14, 2010
between 1:25 p.m. and 2:55 p.m.
Life Line
for Antoinette Penha
are you grieving or what or where
suffer because you’ve not checked in or called home
worried about your whereabouts
emotionally, mentally, actually
how together we were
before the earthquake struck
before the earth shook and took so many Haitian lives
have to do without you, I don’t want to
want to cling to you in whatever times
have you cling to me
where are you holding on,
what side of the boat, of the ship, rocking
must put up with the rolling waves,
the ship’s pitching, as well as worried about
how you are and where
want to get my arms round you, want to know you are secure
empty hole where, in me, all last weekend, you filled me up
what has extricated you, evacuated why, abandoned, why
vicissitudes of life pull us apart
these to attend to, I want you home, want you with me
connected as we were before earthquake divided us
poem I make with pen and ink, is all one line
a length of rope I throw out
end for you and one for me
if one or the other were to fall overboard
into the sea or into the sky above
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
3:03 a.m. 15.01.10
Aim To Please
for E.S.
you said don' write bout you
but I want to
sweet of you
penetrates right through
clip clop, horses hooves
heartbeat, words beat
like that
want a poem to gallop
to get to you quickly
assemble words
what to cause them to adhere
to one peace of paper or to cohere
string them together
what invisible connections
between related persons
between related things
people who are by blood connected
are they by arteries,
by veins connected
people who are by love connected
in a squall of rain
put an umbrella up
one left, one right hand
make fists about a walking stick
worthy or unworthy of her
is appreciation wasted
on words I pin down
staple to pages with punctuation marks
she wears flat shoes, makes steps
feet rise and fall
how are we attached to earth
are we, are we attached
in what way, by what means
I pick up my pen, I put it down
up or down, I'm writer still
both feet or one foot on the ground
just as much a citizen
as we are when we jump rope
and we're off the ground,
in the air
I've put a poem on paper
to try to please you
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
written on Friday,
January 15 2010
between 4:20 and 5:25 p.m.
The Other Cheek
for Creselle Dean
pitch-black face, pretty as can be
why this, all my life,
has been my favorite skin shade
is a mystery
but I'd see black skin, women especially
and I'd get goose bumps
thrill of it too much to bear
what is stirred or penetrated, I am unaware
titillates the soles of my feet
affects hair follicles filling my skull
of this effect I am aware
wrestled with her, last time I saw her, I recall
wanting to limit how much I cared
or how much care I expressed
needed to put a wall up, needed to keep it up
one cheek enough
another kiss, another cheek, was going too far
had to draw the line somewhere
feared my wish might have been
to take her away to my emporium upon a hill
she resides elsewhere, has children in her care
did not wish me to encircle her or cage her
she had not long before escaped a cage
she was not happy in
I looked closely at her face last evening
loving it, its collie-blackness
it is what lights my fire, always has
was it Goya, Spanish painter, who knew so well
how to use black
how well have I used black, I wonder, in my art
what colour should I juxtapose it with
with what colors did she complement her skin shade,
profound and lovely as a Long Island midnight
before electrification and street lights
looked up, all you saw were stars
snowflakes of all sizes suspended in heaven
what does she fear when I get near
what does she find necessary to wall out
what does she embrace
I wish I were as attractive to look at as she is
she brushes her hair back, wears it in one
you should see the waves
in this black black woman's curly curly hair
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
12:01 a.m. 15.01.10
White Chocolate Mocha
for Shonni Curry
sweet you are
how sweet you were to me today
able to go/able to take me
from feeling I'm nobody
to knowing I'm somebody
lovely lovely
pretty pretty
my poetry likes to say things like
“I'll fuck you silly!”
I'll not let it
like a dog upon a leash
bark at you, leap up
leap out at you
calm and tame, I'll come with my dog
to escort you home
wearing your mini
a little tipsy
after beer consumed
after wine consumed
after dancing, winding
showing what you're made of
I'll want what's left, the rest of the night
something to do together
to make it half as cold
twice as warm as it is
these nights
not nights to be alone
chilly without Chi Tea Latte
without Hot Fudge Mocha
joker wants to poke a piece a log in the fire
fire in the fireplace
warm a cold living room
two sleep naked
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
12:39 a.m. 14.01.10
Full of Your Papaya Seeds
fill me will you
fill me with you
what an invitation
party for two, I'll come
should I wear underwear
will you
underwear off
legs pulled apart
invitation extended
fill me will you
© Antoinette Penha
& Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
10:58 p.m. 10.01.10
Moths Beat About Bulbs
for Antoinette Penha
out of whom did I screw four children
out or in, how do we screw them
are our children light bulbs, like bulbs
to light a dark corner, a dark world
or are they screws in hinges
so doors can swing open, so doors swing shut
when night falls
or when we wish
to shut someone up
or shut someone out
or screws to keep an air craft from unraveling
like knitting, high above the clouds
out through the window, high in the sky,
I ponder screws I see
imagine the wind undoing them
imagine them becoming undone
screws keep an air craft intact
as intact as an egg shell
passengers, chicks inside, hatching,
preparing to be born
we screw children out, we screw children in
we screw children up, we screw some down
Mary watched her son, Jesus, son of man
hammered to a cross
nails through hands and feet
a spear through his side
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
4:24 a.m. 10.01.10
1,230 words for Antoinette
do, send picture as readily as you can. Obie. P.S. I thought about your
having been married twice and this seemed like having had too much
experience - like being so far removed from new. Then I thought and compared
this experience with instead never having been married but having had a
dozen different boy friends with sex included with all. I know a woman who
has ten children. These ten children have six fathers. When though are we
too far from new? And what of the possibility of aging - of living - of
experiencing and remaining new? Note these two sets of opposite poles: old
and young and old and new. One can be young and old. Another one can be old
and new. In ways I am old and new and in other ways I an old and old. What
of you? How do you feel? What state or condition are you in? Then there is
our perception of ourselves contrasted with or in complement with other
people's perceptions of us. And what of life and death or rather birth and
death? How far have we journeyed from birth - in time as well as across
space - and how near have we journeyed to our inevitable end? Looked at
another way: how much of Obie have I used up and how much is left? For you,
how much of Antoinette is used already - like an amount of tooth paste in a
tube and how much of her is left? And further: Who or what has used what of
us has been used and how? How pure - how uncontaminated is what remains of
us? What was used of us, was it squeezed out or was a mouth placed upon the
tube that's us - the tube we're in and was it sucked? Medicine I understand
should be poured into a spoon as to put the bottle to our heads contaminates
what's left. Could someone follow who has made use of us and find us fresh
still - pure still? I wonder deep within of these things always. This is
probably why I am not married yet. And what of me - how well - how
uncontaminated have I been kept? Writing is for me, I think, my attempt to
live - to know without being KNOWN in the Biblical sense. I write to renew
myself. Still I feel I wear myself out and I'm decomposing like a head of
lettuce or cabbage whether I like it or not. How I struggle though,
Antoinette to be new - to renew - to keep new. This is what I remember of
you - how absolutely brand new you'd seem always. I wanted that. I wanted
you. Almost out of my mind once over how flower-fresh you always seemed in
your grey blouse and blue skirt - with never a strand out of place; you and
all your class were writing an exam - you and everyone with your heads down.
I got so absolutely carried away [I think I had been imagining doing it for
a while.] I attempted to kiss your cheek; pretending to be examining your
paper - examining what you were writing. Just before I planted a kiss upon
your cheek you responded with disgust, kissed your teeth and awkwardly
pushed me away - rejecting my odd expression of love for you. Ever since I
have felt like a reprobate and unfit to teach - unworthy - felt ever since
that I should not have been/should not be permitted the care of - to be
custodian of such innocence. I felt I could not be trusted not to corrupt
what was - who was pretty - who was pure - like sullying well water or
dirtying a clean wall. This sickness though, it seems, is central to our
human condition. What does anyone want to do with what’s virgin or with a
virgin? Our inclination is not to preserve virginity in others. Instead, in
our culture, we are eager to take it away – our desire is to corrupt it.
Afterwards we brag about our having come upon what was fresh – what was pure
and plundering it – even as Columbus, Ponce de Leon, other European
conquistadors behaved towards and within the new world. For their actions –
their rape of place and people, they were given land, titles and honors.
Additionally I am reluctant to offer people things - food, drink, gifts -
fearing that my heart is insufficiently pure to give anything good. My
writing though is my gift to the world. What I write I give freely. Mixed in
my writing is the good and the bad in me - honesty - honest me. It is who I
am. It is truth. “Can you love this?” I seem to say. Can you love me? If you
can you can have me. Can you take the bitter with the sweet? Have you a
taste for this - for it - for me? Have you stomach for it? I think I am
human and good and bad - and honest about it. I think this is how we all are
- wonderful and flawed - wonderfully flawed - made of the dust of the earth
and of the breath of God. Are you of such a combination made, Antoinette?
Are you honest about it? I need to beg your forgiveness here and now if you
are that Antoinette. I was carried away in a way I hardly ever was in my
entire ten years of teaching. This has troubled me - worried me. Only
forgiveness can restore and redeem me. Am I a good person? Am I a bad
person? I know this: I am human and as a human being, I am capable of the
worst crime ever committed by anyone - by any man which was crucifying
Christ. I know also that, as a human being, I am capable of the greatest
good any man or woman has ever done which is to give my life as Christ did
for someone - this completely selfless act. I know I too can resurrect by
love’s redeeming power. I believe that I am capable of being loved – capable
of being totally forgiven. This though does stretch my faith. I do need the
powerful force of faith to accept and to receive such a depth of forgiveness
for the sins I’ve committed – like the one against you – committed because,
I have concluded, I am a no good person. This is what I am faced with having
to overcome, self-condemnation. I am caught therefore between man's worst
side and his best side wanting to die and wanting to live - wanting to love
and wanting to kill. I live longing for harmony - balance between these
antithetical forces. I love you as well as I am able in my broken state – in
my fallenness – in my forlornness. I long to be happy. My desire is that it
lasts. Instead it visits like a mirage – it glimmers and goes away with me
trying to summon it again always – trying to find the code – the right set
of tricks to cause love and happiness to reappear. You, Antoinette, have
reappeared. I want to see your picture. I must locate one of mine to send
you. See attachment. With all my love, Obediah.
Wed 5/16/07 11:04 PM
Nylon Lines
for T.L.C.
how do I make up for what was so carelessly lost
for what you lifted not a finger to save
you do not cherish my words, our words
you know how much they will be worth in time
or are you unaware of what we are weaving
what you let go down the drain last evening
is unforgivable
I thought you could be relied upon
thought computers and how they function, your area
our words lost and you nor I, you said,
could do anything about it
and you so nonchalant
words lost included my critique of your work
all my effort and passion and it did not seem to matter
I've seen you enthusiastic, quick
about other things, at other times, not about this
all our tenderness shared today
all the love I felt and put into words
how polite we were, how emotionally bare
that it did not matter to you
when it mattered so much to me, bothered me,
bothers me
as sluggish as a dolt, as one semiliterate,
had me thinking such a one
was who I was dealing with
one minute or for several
yesterday for several hours, on the same page
until we were not, until we are as apart
as one who reads and one who doesn't
though we have to both be literate
because all our contact is via words, all scribal
I've had so few minutes of conversation with you
though we've spent several weeks of nights on line
chatting, cussing, fussing, writing poems
breaking up, making up
little one I hate and love
you have no idea of erections I get
in response to you, your work, your words
your hanging on to me at time as if for life
I'd feel vital, needed, loved
get excited too when I am forgiven
after having wronged you
forgiveness that's divine
you teach me to be patient, to be tender
teach me to love you
more than where your legs V where they meet
love your legs and arms as well
love your head, your hips, your hands, your neck
fingers, toes, lips, nose, tongue, your pussy tongue
saliva, vaginal juices
unable to put feces, menstrual blood in a love poem
I'll add your liver, lungs, your intestines, large and small
arteries, veins, bones and bone marrow
and what of what of you that is not physical
thoughts, personality, soul
what's for me to love and what's for God
or do we come together because he's love
and he is where love is and with who's loving
and with who is a loving person
hair upon your head, upon your body, I love too
I love your breasts, I love your nipples
I love your navel where you were until not long ago
to your mother joined
you are joined to me now by lines of poetry
like lines which join a fisherman to a fish
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
3:20 a.m. 05.01.10
Across A Divide
big woman-baby, a thumb in her mouth
this suggestion of helplessness
when she knocks me out
when her hips are a globe
able to carry it, able to spin it
I longing, yearning to be the axis of it
friction to make smooth
we’d have to lubricate
easy enough to do this
look at her in her dress
large patterns of blue flowers
against a black background
she alternating gyrating
once clockwise with gyrating
once anticlockwise
these two circles in 5 seconds
and our affair ends
and I must return
must play them over and over again
to remain erect
tried this morning, early,
without ejaculating
though I did come close
I had, I have, so little to go on
a split second
and an apparition evaporates
need her like the earth, as near as this
from sunrise to sunset, from year to year
this year is ending fast
in about an hour, it will be no more
like a cake,
not even crumbs left
what are they trying to explain that they cannot
what can they not say plainly, clearly
what are they always coloring red
with too much emotions
these people of whom this man behind me
here in church, is complaining
who run on and run out
and complicate matters
because of which,
he prefers to avoid them
Atlantis firecrackers going off,
celebrating a new year commencing,
I thought was something or someone
thumping, stomping on the roof of the church
or in the ceiling
has this church a ceiling
took me a few minutes to unravel a mystery
I thought of thunder
but not the right rhythm, not the right melody
then I remembered
how close Kemp Road is to Paradise
this is how they celebrate such occasions
only I am not outside to see the spectacle
I hear the noise, the annoyance
while we worship
Watch Night at St. Margaret’s
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
Written between 10:48 p.m.,
Thursday, December 31, 2009
and 12:16 a.m., Friday,
January 1, 2010
Rough Stones to Lift
for T.L.C.
i.have I or haven’t I
the right to feelings I’m feeling
to this happiness you’re generating
hearing from you generates
attachment to you generates
tied by sentences by poetic lines
have I someone after all
to lift poetry with, to carry the cross of it
I can this instant, burst into joyous tears
over what I do have and don’t have
over what I fear you might do
if I attempted to catch it,
to hold it in my hand, mist that it is
fear you’d disallow it
how can a man 55, a woman 22
fit together
fight like we fight, feel what we feel
are we not on earth now
inside minutes passing
inside the seed of time
like seeds with two sides, in two halves
avocado or yin and yang
it seems she is as intelligent as I am
it seems she is my intellectual equal
even if her father is my age
I know no one on earth
whom I’d more gladly fuck, more readily fuck
what a miracle that would make
what a miracle that would be
however long away from me,
when she returns, she’s number one
her place in my bed, in my head
I admit her, permit her her seat
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
1:28 p.m. 04.01.10
New Year New Day
for Commissioner Ellison Greenslade
running about like chicken
with heads cut off
after criminals decapitating each other
sirens forever wailing
policemen whipping through
whipping pass, whipping by
as if they were out to stop crime
unable to stop what has already been done
when the police shows up
it is always already too late
just as doctors need sickness
to stay in business
the police needs crime
to justify their existence
to guarantee employment
whipping about through traffic
through whatever color traffic light
is to make them and what they do
seem so vital, so indispensible
what makes me suspicious
is how vital policemen and politicians are
or make us think they are
and how in this same country
poetry and poets have little
or next to no importance
should what poets do
not be more highly rewarded
can it not be one of the instruments
in the nation’s tool box
used to fix what’s out of whack
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
11:12 a.m. 01.01.10
Left upon a Page
for Arianne Etuk
I believe in what she worships
want to worship that same God
wonder if she'd lead me to him
to what it is she has faith in
dripping wet with God she serves
I too long to be baptized
want to know what I am missing
I’d make a fool of myself similarly
gamble for the worth she’s filled with
to have a cup or mug of it,
saucer full for breakfast, one for supper
her to sip on now and then
well of what is springing, saves a nation
I could have been a Catholic priest
she could have been a nun
instead we're in this world
know a priest who was, like a fish,
thrown back into the water
like grunt, like big eye John
we're in the water swimming
like swans, she glides
though underwater paddling, no one sees
glides through life, entered mine
ripples widen out in all directions
it tickles, it is my blood she's in
arteries and veins, rivers she traverses
turn to look at the wind pull a sail boat
with what grace she comes, she goes
want to be carried away, to be carried along
no way, with the wind in my sails, can I go wrong
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2009
1:35 a.m. 30.12.09