for D.B.A.
what she is putting me through
what love is putting me through
it ain't easy
agreed to go for the ride
decided to get on, get in
and what twists and what turns
so deep in, so far gone
want it to go on forever
moments I wish it would end
we do not have agreement we once had
she's chickened out on love
has left me largely or partially
on my own
how much more comforting it was
when we were in it together
when we had a contract
as if she's withdrawn it, torn it up
what have I to go on
invited to love her however much
how can I stop
rug out from under foot, from under me
women differ sharply from men
from Mars and from Venus
this is proof of that, a case in point
Joni Mitchell wants to, wishes to
drink a case of a man she's in love with
after which, she is certain, she sings
she'd still be on her feet
a woman's commitment
is it to be depended on
or because she is woman
must she be allowed
to take her word back
I way out in the deep
waters foreign to me
what if I didn't have poetry
pen to clutch, to grasp like straw
where would I be
though I am uncertain
wanting her back, wanting us to be
what we were and as we were
further along that path
with no agreement in place
after some other fellow
some other fellow after her
where do I stand in this new scheme
in this frame of things
how without protection I find myself
in this affair
is it over yet, is it over now
it hurts so
you must not let me suffer
too much, Lord
I have only my back
to fall back on
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
5:42 a.m. 10.04.10
I love the sound of I think its a long o sound in the first few stanzas. That was quite impressive.
Nice play on the word 'back'. "To fall back on" meaning "to go back or to return".
You always end wonderfully.
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