Saturday, September 04, 2010

At the Top of the Word
for D.B.A.

making art, making history
she and I, her and me

not yet out of school
already in this grown up enterprise

in this project
of national, of international literature

at the top of a world
at the top of the word or nearly

way out in the deep
I with her, she with me

we in our vessel together
verse from the deep

at times in the worst weather
but we know the risks involved

welcome them
withstand them

along with better times
along with the best times imaginable

verse makers, we both are
day by day, minute by minute, hour by hour

what a day to have come into
what treasure, what joy

© Obediah Michael Smith, 2010
8:31 p.m. 03.09.10


Anonymous d.a. said...

how could one not be shy regarding a partnership so profound. admittingly i dont know what i am doing, should i? because if i should know i may be doing it all wrong but i am glad to be in this place in this space as small as the island or as shallow as the water around it may be.

Saturday, September 04, 2010 9:27:00 AM  

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